AL Quran Lab

Muslim Revert

Convert to Islam and learn everything you need as a new Muslim. Digital dawah center for you, where get answers of your questions. Detailed and simple training.

Convert to Islam and learn everything you need as a new Muslim Digital dawah center for you where get answers of your questions Detailed and simple training by AL Quran Lab


  • Core Beliefs and Practices: Discover the five pillars of Islam, understand key concepts like Tawhid and Salat, and explore the significance of Ramadan and Hajj.
  • Daily Life Guidance: Learn about Islamic etiquette, halal and haram, and practical tips for incorporating Islamic values into your daily life.
  • Community and Support: Connect with a supportive community of fellow learners and experienced instructors who can answer your questions and guide you on your journey.


Each Muslim Male & Female adult or kid of any country, age, and level can start anytime. Full private environment for females and families.

Schedule & How?

Each class will last 30 minutes. 5 classes/week. You can create your own schedule and plans. two-day trial classes, and then you pay a monthly fee. One-to-one classes on Zoom or Google Meet. Google Meet Al Quran Lab  AL Quran Lab - Zoom 1. Our teacher will guide you and give you a trial class after you fill out the enrollment form Below.

Schedule & Fee

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Payment Methods

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